I found this interesting bit of synchronicity today: reports coming out of Texas are describing what is being dubbed a “Chupacabra”, now in the possession of a San Antonio area Taxidermist named Jerry Ayers. “It got into his cousin’s barn and they thought maybe it was a rodent tearing stuff up, and they no idea since they’ve never seen it,” said Ayers. “He got out some poison and this is what they got the next day.” Kold News 13 reported on the story earlier today (September 1st)…
…which marks the anniversary of another Chupacabra discovery in nearby Cuerto, Texas, dating back to 2007. Fox News reported on the find in an article titled “Texas Woman Claims to Have Found Mythical ‘Chupacabra’ ” on the same date two years ago. Although both critters are likely coyotes or foxes suffering from mange, it is strange synchronicity nonetheless that the two reports would both appear at the same time of year, right down to the exact date. Does this indicate any sort of trend about weather, habitat, feeding habits, etc that might indicate what causes these creatures to appear at specific times? Or, in the likely case that it is a known animal suffering from effects of a skin condition, does this provide insight into a cause for the ailment?
The synchronicity between dates was startling enough, at least in terms of the obvious coincidences… but the sudden appearance of Chupacabras and “mystery canines” around this time of year seems to be further enforced by the fact that today’s San Antonio discovery wasn’t the only reported “Chupacabra” discovered today. As it turns out, NewsOn6.com out of Oklahoma also had a similar story posted today, along with photos of the mystery beast:
Woman Says Chupacabra Found Near Stilwell
What is the likelihood that two separate discoveries of alleged “Chupacabras” would turn up on the anniversary of a similar discovery from 2007 (which, I must note, did take place in the midst of an almost identical rash of other reports occurring at the time)? Perhaps the big picture here has more to do with why these creatures begin appearing in these locales around this time of year in general, but I do admit finding a bit of enjoyment in such apparent coincidences, especially when they are Fortean in nature.
Maybe we can name September 1st “National Chupacabra Day”… what do you think?

Hairless coyotes appearing on Texas; and a hairless monster hunter (one Nick Redfern) residing in Texas.
Adding 2+2 together… 😉
PS: I would like you to read one of my blog posts. It discusses an interesting thing I (think) found out when hearing your recent interview on Radio Misterioso: