I just received word that a television program Joshua P. Warren and the L.E.M.U.R. team filmed last October with National Geographic will be airing this Monday night, according to word from network sources. Here’s an update sent out by Warren earlier this week:
At long last, our BIG National Geographic program is slated to air this Monday, March 1, 9pm east coast US (New York) time on the National Geographic Channel.
Our team has captured some truly weird and amazing stuff. As usual, I was skeptical and doubtful when I first saw the footage. After analysis, I realized what we got was truly out of this world.
Using 3rd Generation Night Vision technology, Dean Warsing (www.UFONightShift.com) was able to capture something at Brown Mountain we cannot explain. It was enhanced by Brian Irish, assisted by Chris McCollum.
If you tune in, you might even catch a (very fleeting) glimpse of yours truly (although I was on set, most of the work I did was off-camera… you know what they say about guys like me having a face made for radio, right?).