Joining us this week is researcher Joshua Cutchin, author of books like “A Trojan Feast,” which looks at the traditional idea of human encounters with “others” and the crossover between folklore and Forteana.
Joining us this week is researcher Joshua Cutchin, author of books like “A Trojan Feast,” which looks at the traditional idea of human encounters with “others” and the crossover between folklore and Forteana.
What did a group of residents really see in 1955 near Hopkinsville, Kentucky? This week, we go in search of possible answers about one of history’s strangest UFO cases.
Joining us this week are Jason McClellan and Ryan Sprague for a roundtable discussion on UAP investigations in 2021 and much more.
This week on The Micah Hanks Program we explore the mysteries of the Giza pyramids, from the earliest ancient accounts to modern attempts at replicating their construction methods.
This week, we look at the adventurous life of Fortean researcher John A. Keel, and how his experiences shaped his unconventional theories about UFOs and the unexplained.
This week, Micah is joined by the team from The Debrief as we celebrate our first year in operation and science, tech, and UAP coverage.
This week, we revisit the presentation of the UFO issue before the United Nations in 1978 with writer, reporter and broadcaster Lee Speigel.
This week we look at the famous Roswell UFO incident, and the legacy of the most controversial story in the history of UFO studies.
This week, we explore odd and unsettling cases where UAP has had noticeable interactions with human observers.
This week, we discuss a proposed amendment in congress calling for an “Anomaly Surveillance and Resolution Office” in the DOD to study unidentified aerial phenomena.
This week we examine the strange story of Gerry Irwin, a man hospitalized after a UFO sighting in 1959 that led to his desertion from the military and eventual disappearance.
This week, historian Graeme Rendall joins us to discuss pilot encounters with “Foo Fighters” over Europe during World War II, and other UFO encounters prior to 1947.
Joining us this week is Christopher Plain of The Debrief, who shares his views on aviation threats posed by unidentified aerial phenomena.
Robert Salas joins us to discuss the UFO incidents at Malmstrom Air Force Base and other incidents involving UFOs over nuclear sites.
In this episode, Micah travels into the heart of Brazil, and to the heart of the Brazilian UFO mystery in search of reports of odd lights over a UNESCO World Heritage site.