By Micah Hanks
In what I’m proud to announce as being the very first public review of my new book, The UFO Singularity, the fine folks over at The UFO Iconoclasts have procured a very thorough and thoughtful analysis of my upcoming title (that’s right, I said “upcoming”… but here’s a little secret: you can already buy copies in print, and for Kindle, on by clicking here).
Here’s a bit of what they had to say about it over at the UFO Iconoclasts site:
“Mr. Hanks provides almost every view extant about UFOs: what they are, where they come from (he likes the time-travel scenario), and what they portend, as the phenomenon drives us and itself toward Mr. Hanks
I don’t see that it’s available for Kindle.
Hey Marc,
Here’s a direct link to the Kindle edition on Amazon: