This week, we are joined by Sam Shearon, whose artistic representations of the literary horrors of Lovecraft and Poe are arguably among the finest in the dark art genre.
This week, we are joined by Sam Shearon, whose artistic representations of the literary horrors of Lovecraft and Poe are arguably among the finest in the dark art genre.
This week we are joined once again by veteran podcaster Jim Harold of “The Paranormal Podcast” and “Jim Harold’s Campfire.”
This week on The Gralien Report, we discuss the Kentucky Cryptid Con 2017, and revisit the topic of “Cinema Symbolism” with researcher Robert W. Sullivan.
This week on The Gralien Report, the history of “invisible weapons” and weather manipulation technologies are explored.
This week’s podcast looks at stories of wild men, and of railroad workers and locals in New Jersey who encountered a seemingly feral human in the early 1900s.
This week on The Gralien Report, we look at a variety of unusual phenomena coinciding with the 2017 American Eclipse, as well as the unusual folklore and urban legends of Kentucky.
This week on The Gralien Report, Micah and Co. visit locations that include the famous Sleepy Hollow, Oak Island, and other mysterious places throughout the Northeastern US and Canada.
This week on The Gralien Report, we look at the mysteries of OBEs, NDEs, altered states, and the way all of these relate to the mysteries of consciousness.
This week, we discuss “The Appalachian Book of the Dead,” along with a history of the dark, macabre, and supernatural as it relates to rock n roll over the ages.
This week on The Gralien Report, researcher and host of “Dark Matters” Don Ecker joins us to discuss various conspiracy theorists that have been associated with UFOs over the years.
This week on The Gralien Report, we look at ceremonial use of magic, mysticism, and mind-altering substances in ancient times, as well as new science relating to the mysteries of Easter Island.
This week on The Gralien Report, we look at what “dream quests” might reveal about creativity, as well as their appearance in folklore throughout the world.
This week on the podcast, we discuss the latest science that suggests plants are more aware of their environments than we have long believed.
This week on The Gralien Report, we discuss one of the most compelling sea serpent reports in the history, which was seen at Stinson Beach, California, in 1983.
This week on The Gralien Report, we discuss new, obviously fake documents dealing with UFOs and Majestic 12, and why the study of such hoaxes is important.