It appears that UFO Hacker Gary McKinnon may have a friend on the inside.
This isn’t to imply that McKinnon was helped in his now famous efforts at breaking into NASA security systems and other US government computer databases, however. As reported by The Inquirer yesterday, former NASA employee Joseph Richard Gutheinz Jr (above, left), a practicing criminal lawyer and formerly a decorated special agent with the US Space Program, is claiming that McKinnon is being treated unfairly. “Having also spent the last four years on the Texas Criminal Justice Advisory Committee on Medical and Mental Impairments, he felt qualified to call on the US government to cease its unfair hounding of the UFO hacker,” The Inquirer reports.
<iframe src=”<1=_blank&m=amazon&lc1=4CFF00&bc1=000000&bg1=000000&f=ifr” style=”width:120px;height:240px;” scrolling=”no” marginwidth=”0″ marginheight=”0″ align=”left” frameborder=”0″></iframe>”But Gutheinz, it turns out, is himself a poster-boy for UFO conspiracists, just like McKinnon: he is famous for telling a mysterious tale of dead Roswell aliens being kept in Building 265 at NASA’s Johnson Space Centre,” the article reads, describing where Gutheinz used to work near Houston, in additon to delving into elements of a vast government cover up. To read the complete article, follow this link:
Will there be enough dirt come out of this mess to save McKinnon from extradition yet? Special thanks to Gralien Report Correspondent Marvin Bishop for contributing to this report.