According to an article that appeared in the Pacific Free Press this weekend, Canadian Defense Minister Peter MacKay is expressing a rather flippant attitude toward the recent “Harbour Mille UFOs” photographed last week, which resemble rockets or missiles producing a large amount of smoke.
Of the reports concerning missiles fired from the ocean near the Southern coast, journalist C.L. Cook quoted MacKay, who said “We [the Canadian government] will provide money to build a landing strip for UFOs at Harbour Mille.” The Defense Minister quickly added that this was a joke, and assured news agencies that he had “checked with foreign countries,” claiming there is “no cause for panic.”
Late last week, a few key witnesses suggested that Royal Canadian Mounted Police officials may have advised that a missile launch had taken place, but a spokesperson, Sgt. Wayne Edgecombe, quickly asserted that these were only rumors. Statements issued later were even less conclusive, merely explaining they had “gotten to the bottom” of the mystery, and forwarded further requests to Public Safety Canada. What is known, however, is that the RCMP is in charge of the official investigation.
Looking elsewhere, The French Ministry of Defence has also drummed up controversy, after posting a message on its website admitting to the launch of a missile from a submarine around the same time. However, according to the flight path described by witnesses of the Harbour Mille UFO, the French also advised that this could not have been the missile they launched.
Based on the evidence available at present, the objects seen over Newfoundland were, in all likelihood, missiles or other projectiles; who fired them, and for what purpose, remains a mystery. As concerned officials continue probing the situation to discover whether public safety was ever in jeopardy, perhaps more answers will come to light as to the identity of the strange “ghost rockets” seen over Newfoundland last week.

I probably shouldn’t make a farce of them, but I couldn’t help but laugh when I read that the Mounties were conducting “an official investigation”. I think it is because I remember having an odd Ninja Turtle figure as a kid that was a Canadian Mounty but it was a moose dressed like one. Bizarre……
Anyway, are the friendly Canadians hiding something behind their unassuming veneer and funny accents? Honestly, being that Canada is still influenced heavily by their old imperial rulers, France and England, maybe we should look at England as well to see if they had anything to do with it. I guess Newfoundland had more British influence. Just a thought….I would not be surprised at all if the Canadian government had little to do with this, but it was an action of old imperialist rulers who still hold sway…I feel like I just talked in a circle, ha ha!