Occasionally, we do receive letters here at the Gralien Report from readers who like to share perspectives and insights regarding various strange phenomenon, conspiracy theories, fringe science updates, and other newsworthy topics. Even more occasionally (very seldom, at best), I will include some of these missives here for the readers to indulge, especially if I feel that they may be of interest. Below is one such recent correspondence, sent to me by an anonymous individual who has been independently studying changes in nature such as the disappearances of honeybees in America, as well as possible food poisoning outbreaks the likes of those reported frequently last year. Therefore, the views expressed here, of course, are not those of myself or anyone affiliated directly with The Gralien Report, but instead reflect a concerned member of the populace. You are free, as always, to make your own judgments hereafter:
As you know, Johnson & Johnson was recently in the news after being forced to recall of a variety of OTC medicines which caused severe gastrointestinal illness and symptoms of neurological damage in a variety of consumers. It is also clear they have been aware of and hiding this problem for at least 6 months, and probably far longer. The initial explanation was problems with offgassing in ‘constructed wood’ pallets. I doubt this is the cause, however, it is very likely a contributing factor.
When I saw this problem arise, I knew immediately that
A: The problem was not limited to J & J products, or even to medicines.
B: The problem is at least 10 years old, and probably far older.
C: The problem’s current ‘acute’ phase is an indication of changes in both the agent and the human hosts.
D: The problem may have links to CCD in bee populations.
Let me explain my theories. Firstly, I am not a doctor or scientist. I am however a talented independent researcher, and I frequently solve problems in such a way as to often appear prophetic. I am familiar with a variety of current biomedical research and topics due to my position as a partner in a scientific editing firm. Obviously, I claim no supernatural abilities however, instead, I claim that there is nothing but supernature, since we have completely misunderstood nature. For at least the past 5 years I have been intimately concerned with the CCD problem (colony collapse disorder) and its possible relations to both human activity and human health. Part of my research has involved direct observation of beehives and direct communication with bees, hornets, bumble-bees, and other insect pollinators as well as their symbionts and predators.
A major factor in this problem appears to be the practice of feeding bees corn syrup during a particular phase of their seasonal cycle. This is incredibly stupid, and radically alters the microbial constituents of their digestive systems in such a way as to render them far more vulnerable to a variety of bacterial, fungal and perhaps viral agents which would otherwise be metabolized or rendered harmless. As you are probably aware, HFCS is and has been widely used throughout the food chain in the US and other industrialized countries for decades. Additionally, research in the past few years has proven HFCS to contain mercury.
HFCS & HMF in Corn Syrup and its relationship to bees:
Weak Colonies and HMF in honey:
HFCS/Mercury in Food products:
It is here that things get interesting. Firstly, as every good mother knows, one must never feed infants honey. The reason is that honey normally contains Clostridium Botulinum spores (which produce botrulin, the deadliest biologically produced poison known on Earth). Other foods such as pork and molasses are also dangerous. The organism is anaerobic, meaning that oxygen is toxic to it, and it thrives in nonoxygenated environments.
The damage to the bees’ digestive systems may render them vulnerable to the spores in their own honey, causing both developmental problems and severe health problems for adult insects. This may or may not be directly related to my primary concern, however, we should test honey to see if the common content of CB spores is on the rise, which it may well turn out to be.
Now I will turn to my primary concern. Without a long detailed history, let me simply say that approximately 1 year ago I began to notice a very strange phenomenon related to certain foodstuffs, particularly breads. When shopping, or having shopping done for me, I often noticed that the breads (which were usually freshly delivered to the stores either that day or 1 day previous) sometimes emitted a profoundly disturbing odor, which was not like bread mold, but something far more cloying and toxic. It appeared, strangely, to not involved the bread at all, but instead -the packaging-. This puzzled me for quite some time. Recently, I began testing different brands, at it was then when the light went on upstairs and the pieces appeared to me to fall into a very clear and surprisingly obvious pattern.
Something was infecting the packaging, and this was affecting the food within, but the food within was not the cause. This agent appeared to be present specifically upon surfaces printed with soy-based (or possibly other vegetable based) inks. In many cases, fresh loaves of bread smelled so “toxic” that a single loaf could devastate an entire room with spores or stench. Washing the outside of the packaging radically reduced but did not eliminate the problem, indicating that it was not merely superficial.
In December of 2009 and January of 2010, a large number of my friends became very seriously ill with symptoms somewhat akin to food poisoning, but which also were unlike any kind of food poisoning I am familiar with. I too succumbed. Many of us are still sick, and believe me when I tell you it is not food poisoning – it is a mycotoxin, or possibly mercury poisoning.
In short, I believe that an infective fungal agent, which is not entirely anaerobic, has infected the soy based inks or other inks used particularly on plastic packaging films, certain labels, and some plastics directly. I believe this organism is metabolizing vegetable proteins or other chemical resources and producing neurotoxins. Either the spores or the toxins or the organisms themselves are deeply imbedded in our food chain currently. There is probably a correlation between this problem and the methods of storage and transport, such that not all sources or stores with these products will be found to be affected. Nonetheless, those that are, are severe. In calling a few supermarkets and asking them to do the following test, I have received 3 of 3 positive results (i.e. problem is considered bizarre and is detectable by staff).
The test is this: go to a large supermarket’s bread aisle (preferably after it has been in darkness for a time) and physically smell the packaging of a variety of brands, but particularly those inclined to employ large quantities of soy-based inks on the plastic films used as the outer container. In many cases one may detect a very unusually powerful odor that is moldy, but not like bread mold. This is on -fresh bread-. It is more musty and dusty than mold, additionally, the bread inside will not be found to bear any obvious mold. This is more obvious at higher temperatures. Eating this food will often result in severe gastro-intestinal problems and symptoms not unlike mercury poisoning.
I have reason to suspect that this problem can spread from affected items to other items, and may involved anything with these inks, including non-food items. I consider this a deadly and highly distributed danger, and I am asking that we use every means at our disposal to discover and publicize the cause, immediately. I do not believe we can afford to wait for regulatory bodies to respond or admit this, and thus we must be active on each other’s behalf, immediately. I am not afraid to be proven wrong or even foolish in these suspicions; in fact, I very much hope this is the case. Nonetheless, I expect it is not. I may have some details confused or wrong, but the basic problem exists, is extremely dangerous, and is real.