For listeners of my weekly Gralien Report Podcast, I’m certain that my new book, Reynolds Mansion: An Invitation to the Past will be a very familiar subject already. This story details my own personal, in-depth investigation into the history and strange phenomenon associated with The Reynolds Mansion Bed and Breakfast, operated by my friends Billy Sanders and Michael Griffith; and yes, the historic home is said to be very,

Sir: I find your web-site very interesting. You certainly are a person who seems to be seeking the truth about unusual phenomenon. I also have sought the answers to life’s various hard to answer questions, like: who are we humans, why is this planet earth the way it is, and who/what is God. Well I was lucky , blessed?, enough to find some of the answers that can explain many such phenomenon, yes, even this ghost thing you present. Being very real, yet a true masquerade. Keep knocking, the door will open unto you some day. Scott Corder, MD Witness11