For years, I’ve been fascinated with claims of Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP) and similar instances where people claim that they have been in direct contact with spirits of the dead. In addition to a numerous articles that have appeared about this over the years, there have been similar claims made about phone calls received from the dead, or even from presumed “aliens” (note the article by Preston Dennet that appeared in FATE Magazine in 2006 about strange-sounding phone calls from alien beings).
The mere claims of those who say they have received phone calls from beyond the grave does little to provide any proof of such strange and seldom-occurring activities. However, in at least one known instance, an EVP researcher named George Meek claimed not only to have received such a call from a deceased person, he also recorded it, thus preserving a discussion between himself and an eerie voice that allegedly comes from “the other side.”
The conversation, recorded on January 27, 1994, occurred in Meek’s North Carolina home near the town of Franklin. The voice identifies itself as being Konstantin Raudive

Indeed–there was something else going on here. If, as has been discussed and studied intensely of late, the universe is a holographic matrix..then all things are possible. It would appear, based on the theoretical science, that life is a tactile illusion. This is a difficult concept to get the mind around, but there it is..Something to think about other than taxes and the next war.
@Marina: very good! 🙂
I hope it’s not a hoax! How rad would that be?!?! Hey, Mister Raudive!!! Call me! All the stuff George Meek did is amazing, but is suspect _because_ it’s so amazing… (in my opinion.)
Please give us a link to the recording.
Satanic trickery, designed to lead us away from our lord Jesus Christ who is the only way, truth and light beyond this life. You hear the voice of a demon liar only.
I believe it is written in the New testiment somewhere–“All things are possible when you belive in the THE LORD.” Or words to that effect..Just sayin is all…Oh, yes, please do look it up. NAMESTE’
All rightie then–You can go back to sleep now. NAMESTE’
Do you ever try to set up beacons, maybe arrange with people on the other side to recognize different kinds of beacons?
This contacting entity may or may not be who he says he is. We have no means of knowing. If you can believe in ghosts, surely you can conceive of malevolent spirits too. Malevolent spirits would be the most likely to pretend to be someone we might accept. In any event, remember your mother’s advice: Don’t talk to strangers! God offers us two choices: Justice or Mercy. Seek Jesus now if you want mercy. Here’s how you can tell that this mysterious individual doesn’t work for God: He didn’t glorify God in his communications. And be prepared: If you seek Jesus, you will have peace with God, but the dark side will harrass you. Whether or not this particular case is real, the spirit world is indeed real and you must steer clear of anything but godliness.
I’d like to believe George Meek was not knowingly involved with this campy hoax phone call. The voice is just so obviously being faked, cheesily being lowered like some sort of frog. The clarity of it, and length of the vocalizations, is not at all typical of EVP phone calls, which should make it immediately suspect.
Yet, Meek’s Spiricom recordings are unique in that regard as well, which I have always wanted to believe was related to the specific technical aspects of the device, itself, which differ significantly from the basic magnetic tape recordings of Raudive or Jurgenson. However, I’ve read some well-informed and specific critiques of the Spiricom recordings (specifically concerning the true date of death of the “deceased” engineer, Mueller) that cast doubt on their legitimacy as well.
Meek just has such a doddering seemingly-gullible personality, I tend to really want to believe him, or at least believe his is oblivious to the scam.
On the Dragon Project ( — new website, live very shortly) 20+ years ago, we tried EVP at neolithic sites. I’m pretty sure EVP is a form of acoustic rorschach. We got no results anywhere except once in Ireland at the Loughcrew passage graves: we placed a recorder with factory-fresh tape deep inside one of the passage graves (it was radio silent) and let it run for 10 minutes or so. There was nothing recorded, just the tape background hiss, except for one very quick sound. This was later analysed — looped, slowed down and amplified, and it sounded like a very fluid voice saying “Ghost is the listener”. Eerie for sure, but it might have been some random sound inside the chamber (like a mouse moving or somesuch) and we were reading words into it. EVP is not a reliable form of research.
I understand many of you want to desperately believe this is real, but sadly it’s not. You can clearly hear it for yourself, especially if you attempt to listen with an open mind. Many of the EVP researchers have admitted to fakes, and you can clearly tell this is one of them, and not even a very good one. Try not to let your desires get in the way of your reason.
Yeah, but it is so interesting and while the human mind finds denial the most comfortable place, the questions still remain, stimulating curiosity and imagination…Those are good things. Some time they are more valuable than the right or not right of any possible situation. Without imagination, we are pretty brutal and difficult creatures.
Thank you for the reply. And I agree with you that there are many questions that remained unanswered. I am no skeptic but I am also no idiot either, and if something like this opens up a discussion, then it’s a good thing. Sure I want this to be real, why not?