Here are today’s headlines…
- August’s Solar Eclipse created ‘Bow Waves’ in the atmosphere, something we’ve never seen
- Russia to open £336 million luxury hotel in SPACE by 2022
- Graphene Layers ‘Harder Than Diamonds’ Can Stop Bullets
- Blind mystic who ‘predicted’ 9/11, Brexit and the rise of ISIS has two major predictions for 2018
- Elsewhere, psychics ‘may hold the answer to Wall Street future’
- Baba Vanga’s 2018 ‘Predictions’: Why We Love Prophecies and Doomsday Stories
- Arecibo Radio Telescope Spots ‘Potentially Hazardous Asteroid’ 3200 Phaethon
- Conspiracy theorists believe that our Earth is a hollow sphere with a paradise at the center
- New energy source? Tiny moon circling Saturn has more oil and gas than Earth
- Astronauts Just Watched ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ in Space!
- UFO? No, It’s a SpaceX Rocket! These Falcon 9 Launch Photos Are Just Amazing
- Where Did All of Mars’ Water Go? Apparently Not Very Far
- Flying Saucers and Other Fairy Tales