Here are today’s headlines…
- Universe’s ‘Baby Picture’ Confirms the Standard Model of Cosmology, Wins $3 Million
- Death Planet: Astronomers Find Exoplanet Made Of Carbon Monoxide, With No Water
- Ancient city lost for centuries below sea found perfectly intact
- We have all descended from sea sponges say scientists
- Scientists ‘DON’T KNOW’ how big a ‘tremendous’ eruption from Yellowstone volcano could be
- Gold, water and platinum: Australians lead the way towards asteroid mining boom
- Mysterious NETFLIX sci-fi show could be most lavish ever
- US military agency invests $100m in genetic extinction technologies
- Study shows genetic differences between uptown and downtown rats living in Manhattan
- Johns Hopkins astrophysicist and his team win Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics
- Scientists stunned by massive discovery about dinosaurs
- Opossum breaks into liquor store, gets drunk as a skunk
- How will humanity react to alien life?