Here are today’s headlines…
- Extraterrestrial Hypatia stone rattles solar system status quo
- What’s sending mysterious repeating fast radio bursts in space?
- UFO Legacy: What Impact Will Revelation of Secret Government Program Have?
- Has the USAF been caught hiding ‘alien tech UFO’ in Florida on Google Earth?
- This week on TGR Podcast: Dimensions, UFOs and the New Physics
- Astronaut apologizes for ‘fake news’ claim he grew 3½ inches in space
- China’s plummeting space station is just a taste of the world’s space junk problem
- Strange Sky Spiral May Come from Secretive SpaceX Zuma Launch
- Six-foot chunk of mystery yellow ice crashes through roof of a woman’s home in Chicago
- Avoid Monkeys in Florida Because They Could Give You Killer Herpes
- Some Great Barrier Reef turtle populations produce nothing but females
- Back to Black: How Birds-of-Paradise Get Their Midnight Feathers
- The Quest to Decipher the Rosetta Stone
- January lunar trifecta to eclipse all others
- ‘Butterfly Tongues’ Are More Ancient Than Flowers, Fossil Study Finds
- Ingredients for life revealed in meteorites that fell to Earth