Here are today’s headlines…
- Scientists discover ‘the Holy Grail of dinosaurs’ in Africa
- World’s first talking killer whale: Wikie the orca learns to say ‘hello’ and ‘bye bye’
- Brain scanning shows two close friends are on the same wavelength
- AI in the court: When algorithms rule on jail time
- Mystery as three huge steel spheres fall from sky
- This is the film Sundance called “the scariest horror film ever”
- Earth’s Magnetic Poles May Flip, And The Effects Could Be Deadly
- New ‘Passion of the Christ’ to be the ‘biggest film in history’ as Mel Gibson plans sequel
- Brain Scans Can Reveal Who Your True Friends Are
- 60th anniversary of first US satellite into space
- ‘Super blue blood Moon’ Makes an Early 2018 Spectacle
- The Uncommon Crow