Here are today’s headlines…
- This New Explanation For Dark Matter Could Be The Best One Yet
- Stephen Hawking: Humans Should Ride a Beam of Light to Other Planets
- Neil DeGrasse Tyson Says “We’re Not Likely Alone in the Universe.”
- Anonymous Says NASA Is About to Announce Evidence of Alien Life
- DNA Replication Has Been Filmed For The First Time, And It’s Not What We Expected
- Ex-NASA scientist calls Goop’s ‘healing stickers’ a load of BS
- NASA released its list of exoplanets, but what do we know about these worlds
- 20 years ago, the US Air Force released a 231-page UFO report on the ‘Roswell incident’
- Dataminers uncover new information on GTA 5’s Mount Chiliad UFO mystery
- Archaeologists unearth prehistoric ritual area around Bryn Celli Ddu
- Mystery of Devon woman’s death may remain unsolved
- Sustainable ethanol from carbon dioxide? A possible path
- The Alien Rocks Dusting the Streets of Your Neighborhood