Here are today’s headlines…
- Claim: “Stunning proof” that moon landing was faked: claim
- Several fans went to a sellout Flat Earth International Conference
- Please stop annoying this NASA scientist with your ridiculous Planet X doomsday theories
- Rapid Extinction Of Passenger Pigeons Caused By Evolutionary Changes: Study
- 8000 Year Old Rock Art Is First Ever Depiction of Dogs—And Humans Had Them on Leashes
- Leonids 2017 Meteor Shower Peak Weekend In Rhode Island
- First-of-Its-Kind Satellite Launches to Track Earth’s Weather Like Never Before
- Meet ‘Bitcoin Clashic,’ a Weird and Totally Unexpected Cryptocurrency Rebellion
- Sailing a 2400-year-old Ship That Sank Off Israel’s Coast
- Toilet Found in 3000-Year-Old Shrine Verifies Bible Stories Against Idol Worship