Here are today’s headlines…
- Scientists find potential ‘missing link’ in chemistry that led to life on earth
- Mammals Literally Came Out of the Dark Once the Dinos Were Gone
- “Quark Fusion” Produces Eight Times More Energy Than Nuclear Fusion
- ‘Assassin’s Creed Origins’ Predicted Hidden Chamber In Egypt’s Great Pyramid Of Giza
- NASA’s Mars 2020 rover to be equipped with 23 ‘eyes’
- Melting quarks can produce 10 times the energy of nuclear fusion
- Scientists name new species of orangutan but warn that it could soon disappear
- Elephant society looks to trace its roots to mammoth forebears
- Possible Evidence of Cave-Dwelling Farmers Found in China
- Russian claims he lived on the Mars before being reborn on Earth
- Your bedroom on Mars will look a lot different