Here are today’s headlines…
- Beam Me Up! William Shatner Among 2.4 Million Names Launching to Mars
- Teeth of oldest known human ancestors found by student in DorsetÂ
- What in the World Is This? Weird, Amazing Image Goes Viral
- If you enjoy sleeping at night instead of the day, thank the dinosaurs for going extinct
- Archaeologists say Amazon and eBay need to remove suspicious artifacts sold online
- Ancient Lycian sepulcher discovered in Turkey’s Antalya
- Six Weird Ways to Start a Survival Fire Without a Lighter or Matches
- Saturn Moon Enceladus’ Churning Insides May Keep Its Ocean Warm
- Someone please help NASA come up with a better name for New Horizons’ next space target
- Pagans in Northern, late-Roman Palestine Embraced Christianity Early, Archaeologists Say
- Possible Evidence of Cave-Dwelling Farmers Found in China
- Hole in ozone layer shrinking and at its smallest since 1988