Here are today’s headlines…
- Asteroid Florence, largest in a century, passes by Earth at a distance of 7 million km today
- Incoming! 24 ‘Death Stars’ tracked heading towards our solar system
- TRAPPIST-1 Planets May Still Be Wet Enough for Life, Despite Losing Many Oceans
- Astronomers hear something weird in space, and can’t figure out where it’s coming from
- Footprint find on Crete may push back date humans began to walk uprightÂ
- Harvey Response: NASA Lends Space-Based Eyes to Recovery
- Look at the mysterious ‘dragon booger’ found in Vancouver’s Lost Lagoon
- Strange signals were just spotted coming from a distant galaxy
- What happens when you heat the Antarctic ocean by a single degree?
- TARDIS watch: What’s that weird blue structure down the street?
- Diplomat probing MH370 mystery shot in Madagascar amid conspiracy theorist claims
- 381 new species discovered in the Amazon