Below are today’s Fortean Headlines…
- Time, for a Change: What is Time, and What Would Life Be Like Without It
- Body discovered 40 feet up in tree on golf course had been there for two years
- Was the Legend of Utsuro-bune a Close Encounter of the Third Kind?
- Animals may help researchers learn why humans fall for illusions
- Canadian dentist says he plans to clone former Beatle John Lennon
- A review of the Schenectady UFO case from 1973 at the Syracuse New Times
- The Shadow Over Dorset: Some of the strangest legends associated with Dorset
- The Bear Lake Monster: You Can Lead a Hoax to Water, but You Can’t Make it Sink
- Jonathan Wilson at Project Labyrinth shares a strange story of meeting “Santa”
- Night Terrors: Can nightmares lead to mental illness, death, or worse?
- Follow Up: Individuals are being targeted in San Francisco “tech protests”
- Wrong to be Right: Can we find better living through errors?
- And Finally, Science Has Successfully Cloned… Vaginas?