Below are today’s Fortean Headlines…
- Charles Darwin and the Search for (Early) Extraterrestrial Life
- The Coming Solar Eclipse Will Transform the Sun into a ‘Ring of Fire’ Next Week
- Meet Kryptodrakon: Oldest Known Pterodactyl Found in China
- Tests confirm Lake Minnetonka canoe is 1,000 years old
- Diamond Teleporters Herald New Era of Quantum Routing
- Murrysville Woman Claims She’s Virgin Mary’s Cousin 65 Times Removed
- Near Death Experiences and the Blind: How Does That Work?
- Want More of the Mysterious? Whet Your Appetite for the Odd Here
- Liquid Reality: What if space-time were some variety of “fluid”?
- Huge triangular UFO reported by two ex-military men in Georgia
- Morning Jolt: Science Keeps Telling Us to Drink Caffeinated Coffee
- An Explosive Enigma From Kalmykia – The ‘Other’ Mongolian Death Worm?
- Ancient Maya and Virtual Worlds: Different Perspectives on Material Meanings
- Ascending to the Stars: Who Forted Looks at the Grouse Mountain Incident
Thanks to Lindsay Morrison, Jonathan Wilson, Keltic Knot, Mark Brady, Kyle Philson, and Robot Jones for links in today’s roundup.