Here are today’s headlines…
- Russia launches 1st rocket from new space facility
- It’s official: Kennewick Man is Native American
- View The James Webb Space Telescope, Successor To Hubble
- How the Moth Radio Hour helped scientists map out meaning in the brain
- Big dent discovered in jetliner’s nose during emergency landing
- Brainless slime found to be capable of learning
- One Minute of ‘Intense’ Exercise May Equal 45 Minutes of Moderate Exercise
- Inside Tom DeLonge’s UFO Obsession, Blink-182 Turmoil
- Are There Pitfalls to the UFO Disclosure Movement?
- Mystery mushroom cloud filmed billowing from Area 51 ‘alien’ base Clinton has eyes on
- Sugar can cause brain damage, claim scientists (but salmon reverses it)
- Scientists may have just learned how to read your mind
- SpaceX says it will fly a spacecraft to Mars as soon as 2018