Below are today’s Fortean Headlines…
- The Weirdness Within: “Techni-Quarks” May Lurk Within the Higgs Boson Particle
- Einstein’s skepticism about quantum mechanics may lead to ultra-secure Internet
- At Petra, mathematical studies reveal the ancient astronomical plan for the Urn Tomb
- The Tale of the Mysterious African In Ancient Britain: Foreign Slave, Or Nobility?
- Living on cat food and corn, this “chupacabra” may be a mangey raccoon… thoughts?
- Deer in the Headlights… of a UFO: Strange Illuminations Appear in Trailcam Photo
- Possible UFOs May Indicate Recent Earthquake Lights Filmed Over California
- Former Yugoslavian Jet Fighter Suad Hamzić Recalls Several UFO Sightings
- Bill Clinton Sounds A Lot Like Reagan Saying An Alien Attack Would Unite Us
- Could Meditation be as effective as some medications in treating depression?
- Fairies on Film: Lecturer claims photographs he took captured spirit folk
- On the Road Again: The Crazy Military Vehicles That Died As Prototypes
- Famous last words of the day: Scientists calculate oddest ways to die