Here are today’s headlines…
- The world’s brightest X-ray laser is about to get 10000 times brighter
- Touching Robots in ‘Intimate Places’ Arouses Discomfort in Humans
- Reverse photosynthesis could reduce pollution significantly, says new research
- Correlation found between history of human sacrifice and stratification of society
- Moby Dick, Like All Sperm Whales, Had a Head Built for Battering
- Meet The Endangered Species Act’s Newest (And Cutest) Success Story
- Watch the incredible video showing a drone dodging a sword
- How to Think Exponentially and Better Predict the Future
- Radioactive wild boar in Fukushima causing havoc after breeding
- Preserved Poop Points the Way to General Hannibal’s Historic Path
- Have you heard and felt the mystery boom at Saltash nature reserve?
- Tired of life on Earth? Maybe you can be one of the first humans to go to Mars
- Meanwhile, is alien life hiding in the Argyre crater on Mars?
- Witnesses stunned after separate ‘UFOs’ sighted flying over Plymouth
- Has the Loch Ness Monster moved to London?