Below are today’s Fortean Headlines…
- What is Unhealthy Skepticism? Spotting the Criteria for Pathological “Pseudoskepticism”
- Journalist claims blank image from surviving MH370 passenger proves the plane was hijacked
- The Best and Worst Places to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse: How Does Your Location Fair?
- A Listing of Ancient Stories That May Have Geological Events that Inspired Their Legends
- Pains of Parents: Arthritis Linked to Addiciton in Parents of those Afflicted, Study Says
- Thick-Headed? Study finds link between childhood obesity and cognitive function
- Indian black salve appears to draw out cancerous tumors with minimal bleeding
- Building Blocks: Tetris Fans Play Famous Puzzle Game on the Side of a Skyscraper
- Was Nessie Fighting On The Side of the Allies? An Unusual Treatment by Loch Ness Mystery
- Mystery Explosions That Go Bang In The Night Shake Highgate And Muswell Hill Homes
Thanks to Jonathan Wilson, Lindsay Morrison, and William Boleyn for links in today’s roundup.