Here are today’s headlines…
- Alien Megastructure’ Continues to Baffle Scientists, Mystery Behind Star?
- Quantum Computing: Chip To Shoot Lasers At Ions Trapped In Electric Field
- Minerals discovered in a Siberian mine aren’t like anything we’ve seen in nature
- NASA’s High Dynamic Range Stereo X camera captures rocket test in breathtaking detail
- River Monster? Nope… Bottle-Nose Dolphin Makes Way Into Creek In Cape May County
- Study: DiCaprio’s Oscar Speech Did More For Climate Change Than Earth Day
- There’s mounting evidence that Venus was once habitable
- The First Private Moon Mission Will Take Your Ashes Into Space
- Jupiter’s Effect Will Make Perseid Meteor Shower One to Remember
- New study finds that men are often their own favorite experts on any given subject
- DARPA wants to build very low frequency wireless systems
- Search for the ‘sterile neutrino’ goes dark