Here are today’s headlines…
- Can You Tell Which Brains Are Male? Neither Can These Scientists
- Boom: China Unveils New Laser Weapon On State Television
- New Hope for Establishing the Truth About the Death of a Polish President
- FAA Seeks to Push Through Drone Registry in Time for Christmas
- Why Do Some People Find Deepak Chopra Quotes Deep And Not Dung?
- The mysterious and supernatural disappearance of Romulus
- Global Warming ‘Pause’ Was A Myth All Along, Says New Study
- New info on DB Cooper, hijacker who leapt from plane with $200,000 in 1971
- Study Confirms 1 TBSP of Coconut Oil Brings Powerful Health Changes
- Faux-Food: This ‘plastic chicken’ is only 51% meat
- ‘Last-Resort’ Antibiotics Fail Against New Superbugs
- Japan defies world as ‘research’ ship embarks on minke whale
- What is this mystery dome-like object found on Mars?
- Japanese scientists create touchable holograms
- California family recalls underwater UFO incident
- Formula E: Driverless support series to come in 2016
- Happy Birthday to Schrödinger’s Cat

In response to the Brain Researchers. I studied Psychology back in the 70′. Even then it was a known fact that the female brains had a statistically significant physiological feature different than the male brain. That feature was the corpus collosum. This is the connection between the left and right hemispheres of the brain. The female brain had greater capacity by way of a larger “conduit” structure between hemispheres. I smell a politically biased study here. Same with the so-called “gay” brain fallacy.