Here are today’s headlines…
- A Learning Advance in Artificial Intelligence Rivals Human Abilities
- Researchers ‘teach computers to learn simple ideas faster’, like people
- San Bernardino divers return to lake seeking electronic evidence
- Astronomers have finally solved the mystery of those weird bright spots on Ceres
- NASA’s Spitzer and Kepler space telescopes discover star with storm cloud
- Latest images of Titan show eerie resemblance to Earth
- Latest MH370 Theory Involves Electrical Failure on Aircraft
- The Future of Forteana: Improving Our Study of the Unexplained
- The Mystery of the Man Who Went Missing Searching for the ‘M’ Cave
- Solving the ‘mystery’ UFO orbs seen and filmed stalking homes across the globe
- ‘X-Men: Apocalypse’ Gets A ‘Disasterous’ Trailer
- Unusual shipwreck discovered in Barnegat Inlet
- The mystery behind China’s ‘missing’ bosses
- Smoky the Lucky War Dog
- NASA’s UFO problem