Here are today’s headlines…
- Searching for Extraterrestrials with the Square Kilometer Array
- ISU prof to offer class that factors Bigfoot into theory of evolution
- Tracking the Mountain Lion in California’s Urban Jungles
- Eight Signs the Illuminati Exists… Indicated by SQL Server Data
- Holiday Lights Are Officially Bright Enough to Be Seen from Space
- New spiky shelled deep sea snail named in honor of rocker Joe Strummer
- Don’t be fooled by NASA’s theatrics: U.S. can’t get to Mars alone
- Weird: $349 million tower built and closed without any use by NASA
- BioScapes competition has breathtaking images of microscopic worlds
- Claim: Military Planes Dumped Mysterious Fibers, lab tests confirm “metals”
- Intriguing discoveries from million-mummy necropolis in Egypt revealed
- Elsewhere, Mechanical Engineer Thinks Ancient Egyptians had Airplanes
- Studies Suggest Men Who Like Spicy Food Have More Testosterone
- Strange Sea Creature Washes Up on the Jersey Shore
- Martian Methane ‘burps’ detected on the Red Planet
- A Visual Guide to the 10 Dimensions of Reality
Thanks to Mark Brady, Lindsay Morrison, and Janet Fitzgerald for links in today’s roundup.