Below are today’s Fortean Headlines…
- Australian Scientists use stem cells to grow a kidney
- How many arms does the Milky Way have?
- The Lost Spy: The CIA’s Biggest Scandal Since 9/11
- Coverup! Inside the Saudi 9/11 Connnection
- Report concludes WTC7 destruction not due to negligence
- Failed stars near Sun could be home to a hidden planet
- Argentina: More on the “Giant Humanoid” Photograph
- Sunlight adaptation in humans inherited from Neanderthals
- Barry Taft Discusses Messengers of Deception

Commercial TV (which is pretty much all of TV) exists for only one reason – to make money for advertisers, TV networks, and cable providers (and now “cloud” services) by offering “entertainment” to attract audiences in order to suck money from them.
That’s the only “reality” in TV. Anyone who ever believed otherwise is deluded or a very dim bulb, indeed.