Here are today’s headlines…
- Some users see Star Wars overkill as NASA says it found ‘a cosmic lightsaber’
- LHC Has Found a Bump: Exotic Physics or Just Noise?
- Does this 14000-year-old bone belong to a different human species?
- More: Bone suggests ‘Red Deer Cave people’ a mysterious species of human
- New gene explains as to why hybrid offspring of two fruit fly species are not
- Ghost Rockets? The Secret History of World War II Era Drone Technologies
- Finches Made Famous By Charles Darwin May Soon Go Extinct
- What looks like a dinosaur but swims like a penguin? It’s the Meyerasaurus
- Does NOAA Rely On ‘Compromised’ Thermometers For US Warming Trend Data?
- Pyramid Secret Chambers Sought Using Cosmic Rays
- Study tracks the evolution of pro-creationism laws in the US
- Eastern professor explores fanaticism over Bigfoot
- Astronomy, Megastructures, SETI, and Synchronicity
- Fugitive monkey goes on the run because he was being bullied
- Dogs Are Mysteriously Vanishing In Northern New York
- The animal that lives for 10,000 years
- The Seismology of Elephants
- Lights, camera, earthquake!