Here are today’s headlines
- Super-Earth seen orbiting its star could have implications in alien life search
- After nine years of travel, New Horizons spacecraft sets sights on Pluto
- An Open Call for Your Reports of Sasquatch: A New Estimate of the Situation
- Philae May Have Grazed a Crater and Tumbled Over Comet
- Indulging the Entheogens: Can The Use of Mushrooms Treat Depression?
- Aliens visited earth in the 19th century, according to Japanese folk tale
- The Secret To Tougher Body Armor? Single Layers Of Pencil Lead, AKA
- Raise shields: Star Trek like Protective invisible barrier found surrounding Earth
- Study Finds Two-Cell Mouse Embryos Already Talking About Their Future
- UFO sightings taken seriously: Investigated by 145-yr-old academic institute
- Startup lessons from Han Solo: 5 insights from a legendary ‘Star Wars’ Icon
- Solving the Mystery of the “Vampire Skeletons” of Ancient Europe
- 15,000 robots and counting: Inside Amazon’s new fulfillment centers
- DNA Confirms: Here Lieth Richard III, Under Yon Parking Lot
- FBI Warns of ‘Destructive’ Malware in Wake of Sony Attack
Thanks to Mark Brady, Lindsay Morrison, and Jonathan Wilson for links in today’s roundup.