Here are today’s headlines…
- AirAsia Plane Debris and Bodies Found; Little Hope of Any Survivors
- Meanwhile, relatives distraught as bodies are reportedly found in sea
- CIA takes blame for more than half of UFO sightings in late 1950s and 60s
- Unusual “Coffin” Like Stone Photographed on Mars Has Eyebrows Raising
- ‘Alien’ Egyptian Artifacts Discovered, Kept Secret By Rockefeller Museum
- Cataclysm of the Ancients: The Terrifying Day That Shook The Earth
- Elsewhere, Ancient Origins Uncovers The Lost City of Helike
- Revisiting a 2009 Space Exploration Architecture Proposal
- Going Beyond God Particle? Large Hadron Collider Set to Fire in May 2015
- How Robert Rauschenberg Boosted NASA Space Exploration… With Art
- Is Technology Dissolving the Importance of International Borders?
- After 13-Year War, Afghanistan’s Opium Trade Floods the Globe
- Drought May Have Led to Decline of Ancient Mayan Civilization
- Monarch butterfly eyed for possible US endangered species protection
- Screech! ‘Saved by the Bell’ Actor Held Following Stabbing Incident in WI
- Year of birth has an influence on genetic risk for obesity, study finds
- Canadian Pilot Reports UFO Spotted Near Ground Level
- The Ultimate Electric Sports Car Is Only 4 Feet Long
Thanks to Mark Brady and Janet Fitzgerald for links in today’s roundup.