Here are today’s headlines…
- Watch astronauts win the Mannequin Challenge on the International Space Station
- NASA Has A Whole Lot Of Science Planned For 2017
- Six reported missing after small plane disappears in Ohio
- Ice quake shakes things up for residents at Madge Lake
- Musician allegedly captures proof of ‘fiery UFO that flew directly at him’
- Look to the sky this New Year’s Eve for a special comet appearance
- Amazon’s latest idea is a flying warehouse that’ll deliver your stuff by drone
- Conspiracy theorists claim ‘massive’ object under Antarctic ice could be a Nazi UFO base
- Meanwhile, explore the real ‘alien world’ that’s living under Antarctica
- Take the Red Pill: “Trumpocalypse” could reveal that you live in a Simulated Matrix
- A Lot Of Very Deadly Things Are Thawing Out Thanks To Climate Change
- Ancient coins are both educational and fashionable