Here are today’s headlines…
- Zigzag Design on Shell Named “Oldest Art”, Landmark Feat for Early Humans
- West Antarctic Ice Sheet Is Retreating More Quickly Than Previously Thought
- Meanwhile, 2014 set to be hottest year on record, UN climate agency reports
- Alejandro Rojas Reports on Why “New” Phoenix Lights Video is a Actually a Fake
- The Mystery of the Missing Brains: Why Did More Than 100 Brains Go Missing in TX?
- JAXA hopes to get nod to name Hayabusa2 mission’s destination asteroid
- Researchers use ultrasound to make invisible 3-D shape that can be seen and felt
- Did the Ancient Chinese Make Contact with Native Americans?
- ‘The First Man on the Moon’ Revisits Neil Armstrong’s Space Saga
- Cracked Takes a Jab at Celebrities with “Bizarre Paranormal Beliefs”
- Looking Back: Is Megan Fox Unfairly Ridiculed for Belief in the Unexplained?
- “Theory of Everything” Actor Eddie Raymond Tries Out Stephen Hawking Tech
- Giraffe Population Has Dropped 40 Percent in the Last 15 Years
- A Hovering, Rod-Shaped UFO Described as 50 Yards Long
- How Much of Scientific ‘Discovery’ Is Really Dumb Luck?
- Black Hole “Lightning” Seems to Defy Laws of Physics
Thanks to Mark Brady, Lindsay Morrison, Jonathan Wilson and Janet Fitzgerald for links in today’s roundup.

I’m having trouble rapping my head around “invisible 3-D haptic shape that can be seen and felt.” See through? Maybe. Invisible? Not so much. Cool? Way much!