Here are today’s headlines…
- Washington Post Says, ‘This Valentine’s Day, let’s forget it!’
- Here are six weird things you never knew (nor wanted to know) about kissing
- 18 ‘Casual’ Valentine’s Day Cards That Won’t Make Things Weird
- Police thwart Valentine’s Day massacre in Canada, Cited as ‘Nearly Devastating’
- Elsewhere, The History of the Original St. Valentine’s Day Massacre
- The eternal embrace: 6,000-year-old couple unearthed in Greece
- John Podesta’s Top 2014 Regret: “Not securing the disclosure of UFO files”
- Former staffer hopes Podesta will “push this in a more serious way” w/ Clinton
- They’re Watching: Maybe Alex Jones Was Right About TVs Spying on Us After All
- NASA plans to develop a submarine to explore Titan’s mysterious methane sea
- Elsewhere, NASA says comets “are like deep-fried ice cream”… Mmmm
- History Channel’s Descent Into Pseudo-History Continues: More “Ancient Aliens”
- Strange light beam seen during Michigan power plant explosion
- Was the Mythical “Thunderbird” A Real Creature, Or Merely Myth?
- Interstellar Team Sheds Light On Spinning Black Holes
- Sasquatch Mystery… Solved? Well, One of ’em…
- Comet Lovejoy’s Big ‘Ol Plasma Blob