Here are today’s headlines…
- Forget Diamonds, Try World’s Rarest Minerals for a Special Valentine
- Earth’s rarest minerals may provide a key to understanding the origin of life
- Justice Antonin Scalia, Firebrand Of Legal Conservatism, Dies At 79
- ‘9/11 was George W’s fault! Or at least so sayeth The Donald
- Two people walking across Golden Gate Bridge hit by blow darts
- Animal Testing Could be Replaced by Human Stem Cell ‘Mini Brains’
- ‘Rogue scientists’ could exploit gene editing technology, experts warn
- Mysterious Illness Sweeps Across PA College Campus; Nearly 200 Sickened
- Water Shortage Affects 4 Billion People Worldwide
- Obama to 6-year-old: No ‘direct contact with aliens yet’
- Ham Radio Operator Hears American Airlines Pilot Report UFO
- Indiana black triangle UFO witness asks: What would Fox Mulder do?
- Elsewhere, it’s a bird… it’s a plane… it’s a flying saucer! (Or maybe just a bug)
- A metal that behaves like water: Researchers describe new behaviors of graphene
- Ruins in Georgia mountains show evidence of Maya connection
- Bug’s eye view: How a zigzag flight helps wasps navigate home
- 150000 penguins perish after giant iceberg traps colony
- This giant vegan bird prowled prehistoric Arctic
- Bigfoot roams New York? Big stretch…
- Adolph Hitler: First Man on the Moon