Here are today’s headlines…
- Gravitational waves mark start of new era in space exploration
- How Antonin Scalia’s Death Will Affect the Supreme Court
- Water crisis could deepen in future as four billion people face water scarcity
- High-speed stereo cameras unveil as to how wasps navigate back home
- 25-year-old scientist from Peshawar took part in discovery of gravitational waves
- Research team publishes list of rarest minerals found on the planet
- Changing date on your iPhone to January 1, 1970 causes it to crash
- Study Suggests Artificial Light Causes Weight Gain and Cancer
- Mystery brain disorder robs patients of their words
- Now you can learn to fly a plane from expert-pilot brainwave patterns
- Two drugs may help improve IQ and brain development in preemies
- Is the future commuting, while lying down?
- Annual death toll from selfies stands at 49
- Russia is Upgrading Missiles to Shoot Down Asteroids
- The US Navy’s ‘ghost hunter’ roboship to set sail
- SURVEY: Teachers Confused On Climate Change
- Drones Pose New Contraband, Smuggling Challenge for Prisons
- The Biggest, Fully Functional Rubik’s Cube Ever
- Was The Big Bang Just A Black Hole?