Here are today’s headlines…
- Alien Star Missed Us by Less Than a Light-Year, Scientists Say
- Searching for the strongest material known to man? Try a limpet’s tooth
- Tom Delonge Interviewed on Phone Taps, UFOs and Government Coverups
- Fairy tales: A skeptic’s journey finding fairy bushes across Northern Ireland
- Declared dead, 65-yr-old springs back to life to recount near-death experience
- Patty Hearst, Famous in the News Regarding Big Win at Westminster
- Looking Back: Patty Heart’s Famous Capture, Brainwashing, and Pardon
- A DNA Hard Drive Could Potentially Store Data For Millions Of Years
- Darpa builds ‘Google Glass’ that plugs straight into your brain
- Ceres: Dwarf planet is pocked with craters, NASA’s Dawn spacecraft shows
- Mars One mission cuts candidate pool down to 100 aspiring colonists
- Life on Earth may be much older than we thought
- Want More Daily News? Check Out Our Gralien Community on Facebook
- And Finally, a toast to Giordano Bruno