Below are today’s Fortean Headlines…
- Out of the Closet: Technologist and Former Clergyman Discusses Peer-Reviewed Historical Data on UFOs
- Speaking of UFOs and Clergy, Louis Farrakhan pleads with Obama on UFOs, asks him to expose “Shadow Government,” and “Open Area 51”
- Elsewhere, Muslim Clerics Issue Fatwa Banning the Devout from joining Mars One “Suicide Mission”
- Heavy Metal: A Look at the experimental flying tanks of the Second World War
- What’s Going on With the Mysterious Phenomenon in this Wichita Neighborhood?
- Theology from Technology: MIT News on Closing The ‘Free Will’ Loophole
- “Near-Real-Time’ Updates On Deforestation Will Help Track Global Loss Of Trees
- Headed the Way of the Dodo: Can we stop the lemur from going extinct?
- Will Robots Provide Security at the FIFA Brazilian World Cup?