Here are today’s headlines…
- First Stars May Have Been Born 100 Million Years Later Than Previously Thought
- OpenMinds Elaborates on the ‘Project Blue Book Takedown’
- Bizarre: Half the DNA on the NYC Subway Matches ‘No Known Organism’
- Termites, While Small, Have the Power to Halt the Spread of Deserts
- More On Australian ‘Ghost Rockets’ From Dean and Basterfield, with Audio
- Border Zone Festival Drops “UFO” Theme For More Science-Based Approach
- Missing: The $411 Million in Weapons Provided to the Yemeni Army
- Silicene takes on graphene as the next transistor ‘wonder-stuff’
- A firefighting US Navy Robot Has Passed Its Most Crucial Test
- The Sky is the Limit: Chemtrails Open Up Airways For Debate
- Test Begin With Mock-Up Vehicle Simulation for Martian Exploration
- Norwegian Care Facility Reprimanded for Hiring Exorcist
- This State is Looking to End Exemptions from Vaccines on Personal Belief
- Hubble Space Telescope Catches Super-Rare Pics of Three Moons Passing Jupiter