Here are today’s headlines…
- Edgar D. Mitchell, Sixth Moonwalking Astronaut, Dies at 85
- Touchdown! Yes, Astronauts in Space Can Watch the Super Bowl
- Zika Virus Transmittable Through Sex; Risk From Saliva, Urine Is Unclear
- Two new species of malaria selectively adapted to white-tail deer
- Scientists Discover Rusingoryx Fossils
- Some forests don’t help stop climate change
- Sakurajima volcano erupts spectacularly in southern Japan
- Argentina’s annual Alien Festival kicks off at international UFO site
- Taxi Drivers Say They’ve Picked Up Ghosts of 2011 Tsunami in Japan Victims
- People who believe in conspiracy theories are more likely to endorse violence
- Family Believes Playboy Model Saw Chiropractor, Not Doctor, Prior to Deadly Stroke
- Ancient Wildebeest’s Weird, Trumpet-Like Nose Let Animal Chit-Chat In Secret
- How Sylvia Plath Used a Ouija Board to Write Poetry
- German teenager finds gold bar in lake and gets to keep it
- Inside the weird world of the accidentally Twitter famous