Here are today’s headlines…
- Mapping of Yellowstone magma sheds light on world’s supervolcanoes
- Better Identification of Viking Corpses Reveals Half of Warriors Were Female
- Modern tomb raiders caught tunneling into 1,400-year-old Chinese temple
- Could virtual reality bring your loved ones back from the dead?
- NASA gathers scientists to help find life beyond Earth
- Puma known as P-32 crosses 101 Freeway for new home in Simi Hills
- Get rid of the song stuck in your head with chewing gum, scientists say
- What these friends discovered in an old photo will haunt your dreams
- Also: Beach Photo of Young Girl Shows ‘Creepy Boots’ Behind Her
- A Quick Guide to the Questions About the Clintons’ Cash
- Our climate models are WRONG, claims study
- Global Warming ‘Pause’ Extends Nearly 18 And A Half Years
- ‘Evil twin’ found in student’s brain
- This is a ‘pocket shark’