Here are today’s headlines…
- What was the mysterious light seen hovering beside an erupting Chilean volcano?
- Solved? Expert Says He’s Solved The Mystery Of The Calbuco Volcano UFO
- Shock Waves From Cosmic Tsunami to Awaken Dormant Galaxies-Study
- Tiny robots climb walls carrying more than 100 times their weight
- Inland Earthquakes Occurring in the Northwest Remain a Mystery
- Cosmologists Say They Have Found Eleven ‘Runaway’ Galaxies
- Top scientists start to examine ‘fiddled’ global warming figures
- New insight into ground-shaking from human-made earthquakes
- How the FBI Faked an Entire Field of Forensic Science
- Should the woolly mammoth be normal for Norfolk?
- Mysterious heavy object smashes into cars on I-285
- Bees may be addicted to harmful pesticides