Here are today’s headlines…
- World Population Will Nearly Double by 2100, says report
- Our Extinction Problem May Be Far, Far Worse Than We Think
- Is There a Secret Doorway Hidden in King Tut’s Tomb?
- ‘If aliens want to be heard, we’ll hear them’
- Leaked UFO video captured by Homeland Security analyzed
- The Sad Facts Concerning the “Lizard Man” of Scape Ore Swamp
- Elsewhere, Maybe It’s Time We Forget About The Patterson Bigfoot Film
- Also: Abandoning Bigfoot: Come On In, But Leave ‘Patty’ At The Door
- MIT introduces bipedal tele-controlled Hermes for DARPA robotic challenge
- Showtime’s ‘Twin Peaks’ Reboot Still Shrouded in Mystery
- Kepler discovers its 10th twin-sunned ‘Tatooine’ Planet
- Frogs around the globe being affected by new tadpole disease
- New photos show a youthful Pluto that’s still taking shape
- A thrift store find yields an astronomical mystery