Here are today’s headlines…
- Leonard Nimoy, Famous Actor Who Played Spock on Star Trek, Dies at 83
- Discovery of 8000 year old wheat suggests ancient trade routes ran to Britain
- Space Mystery: These bright lights on dwarf planet Ceres perplex NASA scientists
- Not a Subscriber to ‘Gralien X’ Yet? Here’s Why You Should Be…
- World’s first grid-connected wave power station switched on in Australia
- Sasquatch Watch: Is Bigfoot Lurking in the Hills of Arkansas?
- ‘Ghosts’ running in front of cars have made a Welsh road Britain’s most haunted
- More Mysterious Craters Found in Siberia, Scientist Calls For ‘Urgent’ Investigation
- New Study Confirms that Carbon Dioxide is Causing the Greenhouse Effect
- Now Mathematicians Are Working Out Their Zombie Apocalypse Plan
- Obama: ‘Have a Vote on Whether What I’m Doing Is Legal…I Will Veto’
- Travis Walton raising funds to help his grandchild with medical expenses
- Weird Canadian UFO Report Describes Object Resembling “Black Door”
- Extraterrestial Disclosure: Are We Ready? Are YOU…?
- Secrets of Geyser Eruption Have Been Unveiled