Here are today’s headlines…
- Those Strange Spots on Ceres May Not Be Ice After All
- Elsewhere, New Horizons Pluto map shows ‘whale’ of a feature
- Angela Merkel made to release secret UFO files German government fought to withhold
- Meanwhile, Welsh ministers asked for info about UFO sightings; reply comes back in Klingon
- Mystery Airships in the 1800s: Micah Hanks looks at airships, UFOs, and secret operations
- ‘One of the largest human experiments in history’… done on unsuspecting SF residents
- Erie Algae: Bloom at Lake Erie Could Be Second Worst On Record
- CIA shares a bizarre Shark Week history lesson starring Julia Child
- Animal brains connected up to make mind-melded computer
- 3D-printed soft robot can jump just like humans
- 6 Beloved 80s Toys With Bizarrely Horrifying Origin Stories
- NASA selects 4 astronauts to fly first commercial space expeditions
- Pope Francis’ carbon footprint: Does he practice what he preaches?
- Getting Weird: Man’s Story of Being Followed ‘8-foot-tall Nosferatu’