Here are today’s headlines…
- Mind Reading Technology Turns Thought Into Action
- Scientists discover 14,000-year-old evidence of dental work and it sounds miserable
- Manning Survives Shark Attack on Video, J-Bay Final Competition Called Off
- Monday Night, Micah Hanks Will Lecture on Mystery Booms at 10 PM ET
- Chinese Toddler’s head swells 3 times normal size, Receives 3 D Printed Implant
- Study Reveals How Mosquitoes Attack Humans: Hungrily
- The Onion’s Explanation for Dark Matter is My Favorite Yet
- More on the NAO robot that became self-aware, albeit briefly
- New Yellowstone Thermal Activity Heats Fears of Supervolcano
- Stephen Hawking backs billionaire’s search for extraterrestrials
- Watch the First Government Approved Drone Delivery
- Kitora Tomb Star Chart is Declared the Oldest in the World
- The Bizarre “Nintendo president assassinated by Freemasons” Conspiracy Theory
- Report notes thousands of UFO sightings in Manitoba over 200 years
- Elsewhere, the Ten Strangest (Recent) UFO Sightings in the U.S.
- How Could a Swiss Ring-Watch End up in a Sealed Ming Dynasty Tomb?
- Couple Arrested For Selling “Golden Tickets To Heaven”
- Few US adults meet fruit, vegetable intake guidelines
- New photos show a youthful Pluto that’s still taking shape
- Adultery Site Ashley Madison Hacked, User Data Leaked
- Scientific finding drowns in ice age debate
- Now the Royals face TV ‘Nazi exposure’
- The Theory of Flow