Here are today’s headlines…
- U.S. Analysts: Three mysterious satellites launched by Russia in 18 months could be weapons
- “Stunningly Alive”: New Pluto Images Reveal a Planet We… Wait, Did They Say ‘Planet’?
- Abrupt Climate Change had Played a Key Role in Mass Extinction Events in Earth
- Who Watches the Watchmen? New York Times Columnist Calls Harper Lee Novel ‘Fraud’
- Donald Trump, the Egyptian Pyramids, and why the ‘slave’ comparison doesn’t work
- Solved: Officials Have Found the Cause Behind Recent Rhode Island ‘Boom’
- Windbot: NASA Explores Wind-Powered Robotic Probe Concept
- The Discovery of Ultra-fast and Violent Pulsar: What Does it Mean?
- Watch: Teenager spots mysterious black circle/UFO floating over his house
- Introducing ‘ArnoldC’, a programming language based on Schwarzenegger lines
- Scientists Unravel Secret behind Mysterious Marks on Stones in India
- The Secret Agents Who Stake Out the Ugliest Corners of the Internet
- In Iraq, I raided insurgents. In Virginia, the police raided me.
- Debating the search for alien life