Here are today’s headlines…
- Happy Independence Day! Here Are The Top 5 Myths About the Fourth of July
- Elsewhere, Here’s a Look at What the Declaration of Independence Really Claimed
- Putin Wishes Obama a Happy ID4, Emphasizes Importance of Russia Relations w/ U.S.
- Meanwhile, Terror Suspect Arrested In NJ; NYPD On High Alert For July 4 Fireworks
- Woolly Mammoth DNA Thoroughly Studied… Welcome to Pleistocene Park
- Elsewhere, How Thomas Jefferson Built This Country… On Mastodons
- Pluto Has Faces? New Horizons images show two faces of Pluto (that’s OF, not “on”)
- Elon Musk grants $7m to keep Artificial Intelligence under Human control
- Also, how Mark Zuckerberg’s vision for telepathic communication could work
- Donald Trump Says He Has Become America’s “Whipping Post”
- Meanwhile, Here Are 22 Things You Learn Hanging Out With Rush
- Sailing Spiders: Looks Like Arachnids Know How To Set Sail
- Feed Your Soil, Preserve CO2: Abrogate Effects Of Climate Change
- It’s a Mystery: Solving the case of Scotland’s vanishing blue tit chicks
- Optimistic People All Have One Thing In Common: They’re Always Late
- Cyclist captures footage of incredibly strange lights moving around the sky
- If you think an extra second was bad, did you know about the missing 11 days?
- 28-year-old man mauled to death by alligator in Texas
- Within The Room That Makes Men Mad